Dave is a full registered planning and land use professional with 20 years of experience. He is a member of the Planning Institute of BC and the Canadian Institute of Planners. PlanUrban Land Use Consultants specializes in land use and development applications management. We have significant expertise in project visioning and management, site and urban design, environmental planning, subdivision, variances, rezoning applications, bylaw drafting and development and public consultation. We have a thorough understanding of provincial land use legislation in BC and working within both municipal and regional district local governments. We can help shape your vision and bring your project to fruition regardless of size of complexity.
Areas of Specialization
Development Planning, Commercial Development, Environmental, General Land Use, Public Process & Consultation, Research & Analysis, Resource Management, Rural Land Use Planning, Site Planning, Urban Design & Zoning.
Do you have questions about your property or require a feasibility assessment for a property or development?
Please contact me below and we can set up a consultation meeting to discuss your project.
959 Wentworth Street, Nanaimo, British Columbia V9R 3G2